30 Cool Things to Draw 🎨 Great Ideas for Cool Stuff to Draw or Sketch
Stuck on what to draw? No problem! When you’re feeling bored and need some ideas, then try out these fun and easy ideas for cool things to draw or sketch. There is plenty of cool stuff to draw, and we are sure that these random drawing ideas are will spark your creativity. Turn your doodles into something awesome.
Grab a drink and a pencil, and let’s get drawing! Also, check out our Random Cute Things to Draw and Easy Things To Draw page (for kids).
Cool, Easy Drawing of Fish Shoal.
We love this idea! Draw 50-100 fish, all swimming to the same point.
Then place your finger in the middle, like if the fish were interacting with your finger. You can draw birds also with the same effect. Or, just draw an interesting object where the finger is.
It may look like a time-consuming drawing, but once your get the hang of it, you can draw a fish in seconds, and it can be a really cool thing to draw when bored, as you can easily vary the color and look of each fish.
Cool Moon Drawing with House and Trees.
Here is a cool idea of drawing a landscape within another object, for example a moon. It creates a nifty sense of perspective. You could also draw a landscape within a heart or within a glass bottle.
Planet and Astronaut Drawing.
Here is another cool example of having fun with perspective. An astronaut on a tiny planet with a fishing rod. Simple, striking idea and fun to draw.
Cool Cat and Mouse Drawing.
This fun little drawing is effective because of the exaggerated eye sizes. Don´t be afraid to draw things that are unrealistic or comical in size. Play around with your doodles and play around with sizes. There are no rules.
Cute, Simple and Easy Cat Drawing (Sketch).

Sticking with cat drawings, sometimes simple is better. Look how a soft line and some perfectly placed eyes and little whiskers can easily do the job. Add a shadow effect and a simple 5 minute cat drawing can be more impressive than more elaborate, detailed sketches.
Easy Wave Doodle.
This little doodle can turn into anything. Let your imagination take over. Here the curling doodles turn into a wave drawing, but with the same technique, you could draw a tree, rolling hills or just interesting, soothing patterns, kind of like a stream of consciousness drawing.
Blue Drawing of Whale in Waves.
Following the same principle as above, with simple curling lines. The waves are easy on the eye and very easy to draw. The best thing is, that you cannot make a mistake, really. Just let the lines flow from your pen in an easy way and your doodle can turn into beautiful waves. Here, the artist have added a whale which breaks up the drawing and draws the eye in. It works really well.
Cool Pen Drawing, sketching itself.
This drawing is very simple, but the idea is quite interesting. You can include a pen your drawing as a nice little detail, to give an effect of the pen having drawn the drawing by itself. Or draw a paint roller to give the same effect.
Cool Star Wars StormTrooper Helmet Drawing.
This drawing of a classic Stormtroopers helmet works great because of the black and white contrasts and marked symmetry.
If your need an easy thing to draw when bored, try this image, or a similar Darth Vader mask.
You can add more details, such as a grid to the bottom microphone part, or add a shadow effect
Cool Rick and Morty Drawing.
Rick and Morty is a modern classic, and Rick´s face is a fairly easy thing to draw, and surprisingly fun. You will notice details like his unibrow and how Rick´s pupils and drool is drawn, once you pay attentian. A fun and awesome little sketch that you can do in 20 minutes.
Cool, Simple Sketch of Ice Skating Girl.
Need some cool stuff to draw, then try something like this little sketch.
Even without the animation, you can create a cool wind and motion effect with the trailing coat and hair.
The icy ground line and straight, combined with the coat shape and upright stature, creates a nifty triangle then we really love. Simple and effective
Cool and Aesthetic Lips Pattern Drawing.
We like this aesthetic lip sketch a lot.
The cool thing is that once you get the lips shape correct, you can let your mind flow and come up with any crazy pattern that you can think of to fill out the space.
The wilder the better, just stick to the same basic, uniform ‘style’ across the entire lip and the drawing will turn out great.
Add a little shading, and you have a cool little drawing that is actually entertaining to finish.
Mix Cartoon with Realism – Amazing Sketch.
Ok, this sketch is not easy but we included it, because of the amazingly cool effect you can create by mixing cartoonish images with more natural objects, and the ‘breaking the fourth wall’ effect. This sketch is not for beginners, but it can serve as inspiration for drawing ideas that connect directly with the observer.
You may create a similar effect by drawing a crack in the screen or wall (and something emerging from the screen/wall), or by sketching a painting frame (with something escaping the frame).
Easy Illusion Drawing of the Impossible Box.
Escher-like illusions like this impossible box drawing are really fun to draw and surprisingly easy. You can something similar with a triangle, a ladder with shadows or a staircase as in the examples below.
3D Optical Illusion Drawing of Triangle.
Another great example of a cool optical illusion drawing of a triangle shape. This kind of sketch is incredibly easy to draw. Its the shadows you need to get right, but as you can see, the image is very simple. Add a person or a bird sitting or standing on the shape, and the drawing will really stand out.
Optical Illusion Staircase Drawing.
Looking for cool stuff to draw, then check out this last example of the optical illusion drawing: Notice how simple the staircase drawing really is, but with a really cool effect. A child can draw this easily in minutes.
Cool Fibonacci Snail Drawing Idea.
Sticking with cool geometric shapes, lets jump to this awesome Fibonacci idea. I mathematics, the Fibonacci sequence is a sequence in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. It is also referred to in art as the Golden Ratio. Many artist use the Golden Ration when they design their painting or drawing ideas.
Many things in nature, such as, pine cones, fruits and cauliflowers display the same spiral patterns that when counted, show the Fibonacci numbers. There are similar spirals of seeds in the center of a sunflower, and in a snails shell.
We love the idea in this drawing, where the artist have drawn a snail climbing squares divided by the Fibonacci numbers. You can draw another image, such as chameleons curling tail, a curling plant or flower. Or try to draw something in proportion in each square, like the sky and sun in the largest square, a tree in the smaller square, a bird in that tree in an even smaller square and so on. It is a fun idea to play around with.
Cool Yin Yang drawing with a Sun and a Moon.
This is another very cool drawing idea. Take the famous Yin Yang symbol, and draw it, but draw something opposite it each half, like a sun and a moon, or a happy and a sad face, or even two kinds of round flowers. It is a nifty idea, and the the Yin yang outline is very easy to draw.
Easy Deer Drawing.
This deer head drawing is both easy and classy. This drawing style of dividing the space into geometric shapes works amazingly well when you are drawing an image with symmetry, a right and left side that is a mirror of each other.
It also makes the deer drawing easier, as you don´t have to worry about details such as the getting the eyes perfect or adding fur. You can create a very impressing drawing, simply by sticking to clean, geometric lines, and making sure that each side of the drawing is an exact mirror or the other half. You will a ruler and a little planning and measuring before you start drawing.
Cute Easy Baby Yoda Drawing.
Baby Yoda is super easy to draw, and he is cute and you just want to hug him. We have found the easiest drawing of him, we could find, but you can add details as much as you want.
The cool thing about this Baby Yoda sketch is that you can easily replace the butterfly drawing with something else, like a heart, a frog or a word of your choosing, that adds meaning and depth.
The secret to drawing Baby Yoda is getting the ears right, and long, and drawing the eyes much bigger than you think.
Cute, Easy Baby Groot Drawing (Sketch).
Can’t go wrong with cute baby aliens, so here is another. This Baby Groot sketch is really easy to do, and a fun sketch to do if you are bored, and don’t know what to draw. It is very similar to the Baby Yoda drawing in composition, so why not draw both.
Cool Face Drawing Idea (With Trees and Birds).
We like this sketch idea a lot, though you have to be very precise with the face outline in the drawing to make it work. We recommend to put a face and torso image under your sketch pad and add edge points for the outline to get the dimensions right. Or, if you have a better idea to do this then let use know! Then, add the trees afterwards and then the birds. You could also leave the back of the head ‘open’ and add birds that are flying out and away from the ‘brain’.
Very Cool Black and White Drawing of Man with TV as Head.
This another awesome drawing idea that mixes worlds, and makes you think. The TV Head drawing works best if you see the TV from and angle, like in this image, as it adds perspective. However, we can also easily imagine the drawing made from a point of view directly in front of the TV. Done that way, you could add a small drawing on the actual TV screen.
Whatever you choose, it is a fun and easy sketch to draw, and a very cool and interesting drawing idea. So, try it out.
And yes, the image below is an actual drawing, but a very good, and detailed one. It is not a photograph.
More Cool Stuff to Draw: Man with Sunglasses.
This is another interesting conceptual drawing idea, similar to the TV Head Man above. This drawing works really well as an animation, but could also work well as a stand-alone drawing of a man with electrified sunglasses and a gigantic smile. You could replace the stars with hearts or dollar signs or something else interesting. Take a screenshot of the part of the animation that you like if you want a still image, that you can easily draw.
Simple, fun UFO Drawing of UFO Abducting a Cow.
Lets add some fun, simple drawing ideas as well. This drawing of a UFO abducting a cow is not just funny but also very easy to draw. You can replace the cow in the drawing by anything, a surprised cat, a pig or even an alien.
Anything that you think is entertaining to draw. After all, you are really entertaining yourself. This sketch idea is so random and so simple, and we guarantee that you will have fun drawing it.
Very Easy Minimalist Cat Drawing.
Ok, lets continue with some very easy drawings, truly minimalist. You can draw these in seconds. This one is by the famous Japanese minimalist artist Shihori Obata, and is a simple drawing of a cat hiding behind a corner.
Minimalist Funny Zombie Drawing (Zombee).
This is another simple, funny drawing, and a nice little pun. Draw this Zombie and ask a friend what it is, and you will get either a laugh or a groan.
Well in That Case – Funny Joke Drawing (Pun).
This drawing also cracks us up. It is so dumb that it is funny. Draw this well in a suitcase, if you have a drawing assignment, and hand it in. Or, draw it and give it to your dad, and make him guess what it is. Dads appreciate dad jokes.
Drawing of Woman with Eyes and Mouth on Hands.
This is another very unique drawing idea of a young woman’s blank face with eyes and mouth sketched on her hands. Again, you can take a screenshot of the image wherever you want to create a still image of the sketch, and then draw just that part of the animation. It is a really unique and aesthetic drawing, and quite mesmerizing.
Aesthetic, Cool Drawing Idea a Man with Umbrella in a Rain of Words.
This is another great conceptual idea fora cool drawing. The rain doubles up as words and sentences, creating a not-so-subtle metaphor of the individual drowning in endless conversation. The idea works as an image and a concept, but if you don´t feel like writing all those words, the drawing also works really well with just creating long, vertical lines as the rain, instead.
Awesome Two-Page Giraffe Drawing.
We included this amazing drawing as a great example of how you can break the drawing up and continue in to a second page. It creates a nice surprising effect, and we also like the way that the giraffe skin pattern dissolves in to random geometric shapes at the bottom.
Thats it, for now! Happy drawing!
Also, check out our Random Cute Things to Draw and Easy Things To Draw page (for kids).
(By the way, if you are the original artist of one of these drawings, then please leave a comment below the page, so we can give you credit and link to your page)
Just tried the Cool Cat and Mouse Drawing, it turned out so cute! LOL, I messed up the mouse a bit, but practice makes perfect, right i-Ready? Gonna try that impossible box next, looks trippy!
hey guys did anyone try that yin yang sun and moon drawing? i can’t seem to get the shading right, any tips? or a vid tutorial maybe?
For the shading, try using a lighter touch and build up the darkness gradually. It’s all about layering. Hope this helps!
That stormtrooper helmet drawing is on point. tried to do one myself and it ended up looking like a melted pot. gotta respect the artistry that goes into making these iconic pieces.
LOL, that minimalist funny zombie drawing cracked me up. It’s officially my spirit animal. Gonna hang it in my room for sure. Props to i-Ready for adding some humor to my day.
Totally in love with the planet and astronaut drawing, feels like I’m lost in space just looking at it. Anyone knows what type of pen was used? I wanna try making one with all the planets.